Saturday 23 March 2013

Travel Makeup: What I Bought + Reviews

Last week I went to Snowdonia in Wales as part of my AS Geography course. I knew that it'd be cold, and we'd be doing a lot of walking, so I packed accordingly. I also knew there wasn't enough space in my suitcase for loads of makeup, so I took only the "essentials" - things I knew I could apply quickly and wouldn't melt off my face during the day or get messed up by a little rain.

As a general rule, I'd say take makeup you know you like, and that fits your look. There's nothing worse than everyday makeup that doesn't make you look like you. Oh, and if you're going somewhere cold and windy, like I was, bring Vaseline and a moisturiser, because your face will need a little extra protection. Anyway, onto the products!

W7 Camouflage Kit Concealer Palette
This palette is great because the range of tones means that it works as both an under-eye and blemish concealer. I knew I might not be getting as much sleep as I might like (and you never know when you'll get spots) so I wanted to be on the safe side. Although it's long, it's slim, so it wasn't too bulky for my wash-bag, thank god. I love it, although it does tend to sit on your skin a bit, rather than sinking in. I used the brush it came with to save space, but I recommend bringing another small concealer brush if you have space, as that one's a bit scratchy.

No 7 Exceptional Definition Nutrient Enriched Mascara
A favourite of mine because it's got this brilliant formula that leaves your lashes flexible and is really comfortable to wear. It's a black mascara, but I have naturally dark lashes so it's quite a natural finish. Not good for dramatic looks, but perfect for day-to-day wear.

Collection 2000 Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner
Ok. I'll admit this isn't exactly a natural-looking liner. But I LOVE lining my top lid, and this is much cleaner and more practical than a liquid liner, and gives a better cats-eye flick than   a black kohl eyeliner would. This is one of my favourite products of all time. Period.

Revlon Matte Luxurious Color White Kohl Liner
I realise a white eyeliner wouldn't be on most people's essentials lists, but I have quite small eyes so I like to balance the darker top lid with a white waterline - it gives the impression of wider eyes. Saying that, I wouldn't actually recommend this particular brand, because I was finding that within a few hours it had almost all vanished. This is just what I had to hand when packing - I've had it for ages.

Santoro Eclectic Peaches and Cream Fragranced Lip Balm
This was actually given to me as a gift, but I prefer wearing a tinted lip balm to a gloss, as a general rule, so it was perfect. And it's just so cute! It can be a little sticky, so it's better applied with a small brush (or keep a tissue on hand to wipe your finger).

Rimmel London Match Perfection Ultra Creamy Compact Powder
I find foundations too heavy even when I'm not trekking up the side of mountains and measuring the depth of rivers. This was an effective cover-up, appropriate for the situation. Plus it has a compartment for the sponge and a mirror, so it's great to travel with. You can tell by the photo that the metal pan's starting to show - I think that tells you what I fan I am of this product. I won't say any more here, because I want to post a proper review of it at some point!

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